15 Best Natural Ways of Removal of Acne Scars within One Week

Acne scars are a problem with skin conditions that can appear to be permanent in an individual life and may affect their self-esteem and confidence. These scars linger on after the acne has faded and that is the reason why patients usually try to find efficient methods of eliminating this unwanted feature. Assuming though that the complete removal of acne scars in just a week can be impossible, natural remedies could help in diminishing their visibility over time. In the coming paragraphs, we will address the issues associated with acne scars, disclose how one can naturally get rid of them within a week, and talk about the 15 natural treatments that can help remove acne scars.

Understanding Acne Scars

Acne scars are usually seen after an acne breakout, mostly of inflammatory acne such as cysts and papules. The healing time starts when the skin afflicted with trauma leaves scars. undefined

Atrophic Scars:

The subsequent etching disrupts the function of fibroblasts (the skin cells involved in the creation of new tissue) which causes them not to be able to fill in the depressions which become apparent as dimples or as pits on the skin’s surface.

Hypertrophic or Keloid Scars: 

Later on, these scars cause a body to make a production of more collagen than needed, and the tissue becomes thickened giving the marks the appearance of a mountain.

Table of Contents

Natural Ways of Removal of Acne Scars within One Week.

And even though the disappearance of the acne scars within a week along with its complete elimination is hard to think of, application of natural treatments can be a good step toward their removal. It’s worth mentioning, though, that results can be different from person to person, and consistency is very crucial in terms of achieving noticeable improvements. undefined

1. Aloe Vera

Just the knowledge that some of us may just consider the idea that aloe vera oil has cooling, anti-inflammation properties on the skin is to me alreay good enough. To the scar area apply the required amount of aloe vera gel and let it stay there for the next 30 minutes, wash it off afterward. Given the nonstop schedule, you will achieve the fastest results.

2. Coconut Oil

Saturated fats make up these oils and bring a solution to recover and rebuild the skin. Coconut oil is one of those oils and it makes the skin quite normal. Coconut oil, crude, in a limited amount, is to be used to rub on the place of injury, then it should be left alone for a period of. Blow it out in the first part of the game and repeatedly recount it every day.

3. Rosehip Seed Oil

Being rich in essential fatty acids and the substances that firm the cells, this oil could also be a possible remedy for skin restoration and regeneration. Apply that amount to your scars and gently rub your skin to help the oil penetrate. For your next sanitary disposal, try this easy tip. Apply the cleaning solution to the bowl and leave it on for approximately 20 minutes before flushing your jug directly. Take this cure twice daily from time to time to get the best outcome.

4. Lemon Juice

Scorlded skin boxes produced by acne and can received fleshly fading specialists that had been brought into play by obtaining lemon juice itself. Clean a corresponding lemon juice with a small amount of water and then apply it to the scars. Use a cotton cloth for this. It(toxic fumes) is attached to the soil and remains there until encountered by living organisms or detoxification by human intervention. Let it stay 10 minutes and then rinse it off. Take this medicine once every day, you’d better do that at midnight.

5. Honey

Unrefined honey consists of two natural compounds that have great activity as antifungal as well as anti-dermatological agents. In a clean, dry place, put a small layer of raw honey on your scars and leave it there for 10-15 minutes before you can remove it with the cleanser. Maintain it in that way practiced one time in a day.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

This cream that you just made can help you controlling your acne due to the fact that the marks and scars on your face will disappear. The feeling of having soft skin and having a moderate glow as result of this combination would be the benefit it could give you. The mixture of vinegar and water with a cotton ball over the spots accomplishes this. In addition, use the mixture of sodium bicarbonate paste spread on the affected areas for the next 5-10 minutes until it gets dry and then rinsed. This habit may get to be a part of your night routine.

7. Cucumber

Cucumber has a great reputation as a skin hydrating and anti-inflammatory agent. Try putting cucumber slices on or mixing them to make a cucumber smoothie face mask on scarred skin for about 15 to 20 minutes. See the best improvement from the remedy when you apply it every day.

8. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oils antibacterial composition makes it the best and the most effective oil in skin healing process. Two pieces of test-using tree oil linked with coconut oil or jojoba olive oil and you’re done use it as a topical cream on your scar and, scars are healed. Apply the paste with light pressure so that a thin layer is left on the skin for nothing more than 30 minutes and afterwards wash off. Do it even just for fun as a quick review during the day.

9. Baking Soda

Baking soda can bе usеd for еxfoliation of skin, which might rеmovе thе appеarancе of scars. Combinе 1-2 tеaspoons of baking powdеr with еnough watеr so that you gеt a pastе. Gеntly massagе thе pastе into thе skin with circular motions and thеn wash thе pastе off with watеr. Apply it twicе or thricе a wееk.

10. Oatmеal

Oatmeal can be applied for anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory purposes. It also helps to exfoliate skin. You can try oatmеal mask by cooking oatmеal and cooupling it with honеy and applying it to thе skin. 15-20 minutes should suffice. Then, remove mask with water. The rеmеdy should bе tаken 2-3 timеs a weеk in order to achieve thе best рrоduсt.. 

11. Turmeric

We synergize the turmeric (wound-healing and cell support) and anti-ascetic trait that supports your skin. Dilute turmeric well and dab it on the scars about 3 times a week. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then make sure to wash it off after that. Apply this solution at least twice a week.

12. Lavender Oil

Owing that lavender oil to its supremacy for rescuing skin as well as stress reduction function. Apply several drops of lavender oil well blended with a carrier oil to the marks to disfigure them. Through it spend some 20-30 minutes before you start flushing off the water. Take a resort day every day.

13. Green Tea

Green tea has incur formations and calming energizers that are helpful to the skin. As a face cleanser, use cooled green tea (green tea can be drunk or used as a tisane) or apply it directly to the scars, using a cotton ball. Use this mixture, leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and then, rinse thoroughly. The installation of the program must be carried out once per month for the student to see any improvements.

14. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil (in addition to being) repair & recovery of the skin. Gently do pat the vitamin E oil which is unsuspicious, and leave it; and then not do it again to the scars. It shall be out with the routine since just another day and this shall take place in the morning.

15. Potato

Rough potato is best known for its ordinary grain removal function and dying effect that makes your skin appear brighter, thus restoring a youthful radiance. Take part in an aficionado of sweet potato apply the slices to the scars and leave them on for 15-20 minutes. Include this in your respective daily exercises and see these changes deductible.


Moderate breakout can be as well one of the factors with which any individual can lose confidence and faith. Although a 7-day thorough therapy that can get rid of dark spots and skin breakouts right away isn’t realistic, constant practice of traditional methods does lead to changes in their appearance in a short period. Of course, diligence and continuity are necessary whilst getting these cures as well. The outcomes thereof are gradual instead of instant, so one has to be patient. In addition, consulting a dermatologist who will provide the necessary guidance for the skin peeling scarring during the recovery period is also proposed for more serious and steady skin irritations. Furthermore, via an expressive manner and non-prejudiced cognition, one can stride towards the goal of having more beautiful skin.

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