20 ways to get rid sunspots on skin naturally

How to get rid sunspots on skin naturally. But we first need to discuss what are sunspots?

What is Sunspots

Such places are everywhere, they are solar lentigines, sunspots, age spots, and dHSPS (Division of Healthy Start and Perinatal Services). These are areas in the skin that are unaroused and look uniformly brownish or blackish. They are indications of excessive long-term exposure to the sun. They are targeted mostly at the people who belong to the adult categories (50+) as certain young adults can experience the same story if they spend a great time sunbathing or in a tanning bed. Sunspots or solar lentigines, a dermal condition that is usually caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sunlight, is one of the most clearly visible effects of UV rays among skin defects. Here’s a detailed look at the various factors that contribute to the development of sunspots.

What causes sunspots

1. Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation

a. Sun Exposure: The Sunspots occur from exposure to the sun rays by nature, which is likely attributed to the Sun lifespan cycle. The reason for this is an enhanced production time of melanin, the permeant that gives skin color, that comes as a result of ultraviolet radiation. As time passes, the melanin appears in spots and accumulates in their fields, and this phenomenon is called the development of sunspots which is characterized by different colors of spots.

b. Tanning Beds: Sunspots are a proximal condition and signs of sun damage caused by tanning beds, similar to the effects of sun exposure. As the tanning rays from beds mimic the way of light from the sun, they trigger melanin production and skin spotting, which are the same reactions as when exposed to the sun.

2. Age

While the pouring light becomes stronger, it is more and more obvious to have sunspots as people get older on the skin. It is because we always are exposed to the sun every day, with time. The older you get, the more sunlight exposures you have practically had, and as things get worse, sunspot formation becomes more likely.

3. Genetics

Apart from the environmental risk factors, genetic attributes may also be deterministic of the formation of sunspots as well. Others have an increased propensity to develop sunspots because they have specific skin types and heredity. People with light skin achieve sunspots easily and first.

4. Hormonal Changes

As a woman is close to the menopause period, hormonal levels are more or less unstable and the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays may rise, hence the risk of developing sunspots increases. Such a case is the one that is noticed a lot when a woman is pregnant or is under hormone-using drug therapy.

5. It results in inflammation and injuries in the skin.

Inflammation or injury on the skin, including cuts, burns, or acne, can make these areas more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation damaging and ultimately generating sunspots in those areas.

6. Medications and Photosensitivity

A certain class of drugs can react with light and therefore, the skin sensitivity might heighten, i. e. might develop photosensitivity. Similar drugs like antibiotics, diuretics, and some anti-inflammatory drugs too could be responsible for the skin’s reaction towards environmental factors such as sun exposure leading to sunspots. Sun spots or solar lentigo are, at times, of distinctiveness when compared to other skin conditions. Here are the key symptoms of sunspots


1. Color: Sunspots are mostly of the color brown; they are slightly light or very dark, but mostly the sunspots look black. But the color may differ because of someone’s skin tone and the sun he gets.
2. Shape: They get crisscrossed or oval usually.
3. Size: Sunspot diameters fluctuate from 1 or 2 millimeters to somewhat as much as 1 centimeter long, which is already the size of a bullet. Drop by drop, water could grow from the size of a small drop but at a certain point, it will become a huge wave when all drops are united.


Flat: Such lip moles are not lifted in any way but have tiny crevices, which do not touch the skin physically. Different from others, they aren’t cropped and as such, they don’t seem like they have a smooth transition effect.


Sun-Exposed Areas: Usually the spots on the skin are those areas that contain mostly the parts that reflect more sunlight and hence are the parts that naturally get some sun rays. For example:

  • Eyes
  • ears
  • nose
  • mouth
  • tongue
  • Face
  • Shoulders
  •  Forearms
  •  Back of the hands
  • Upper back

Table of Contents

Multiple Spots

Sunspots are usually found in groups to cover large parts of the skin. It is most often the case that you will be able to observe several attributes in one area.

Changes Over Time

Stable: The sunspots usually remain constant regarding their size, tone, and shape. Thus they are not fleeting, unlike other skin conditions that might minutely change in appearance or grow.

Lack of Symptoms

Sunspots mostly remain silent, as such they don’t usually cause any physical symptoms. They are not the cause of pain, itchiness, or tenderness. The principal way in which chemical peels exert their action is aesthetically, and the quality of the skin is changed.

Diagnosis Sunspots

Sunspots are of the same nature in every observation of the sun. When it comes to your spots, remember that a change in color, size, and shape or bleeding and itching can be a sign for a doctor. Such developments might be a sign of other skin conditions, for example, skin cancer.


20 ways to get rid sunspots on skin naturally


1. Lemon Juice

The lemon juice has a natural ability to bleach because it’s rich in citric acid which is a substance that removes the color patches. To use it, leverage the juice of fresh lemon directly onto the sunspots via a cotton ball and leave it on for about 10 – 15 minutes before applying lukewarm water to rinse it off. These treatments only have to be done two to three times per week. Don’t forget the sunscreen after your draw, make sure to apply it after your rays, as lemon juice can lead to skin sensitivity. Eventually, the spots will fade and the skin tone will even out because of the consistent use of the indicated lotion.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is what is fondly known for its soothing and healing powers which explains it better because it helps in sunspots naturally. The jelly of the leaves of the aloe vera plant contains aloesin that has the function of inhibiting melanin production and, therefore can reduce the occurrence of dark spots appearance. Spread fresh aloe vera gel onto the sunspots directly and leave them to stay on for approximately 30 minutes before washing them off with cool water. The remedy should preferably be used twice a day to have the best benefits. After some time, aloe vera holds many possibilities, and it can help lighten the areas with sunspots, and users can get healthier skin as well.


3. Apple Cider Vinegar

The acid which is the major constituent of this agent is one with acetic acid. This helps a lot with pigmentation reduction which, after all, is one of the factors that makes your skin beautiful too. I faced no difficulty with the application system. Do so by adding one-third of the apple cider vinegar and water mixture to the bottle. Next, immerse a cotton ball in the sunspot solution that has been made. The iT will only take you a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes to be kept. To end with, wash it with water. The introduction of this supplement should start with one pill a day for two weeks to achieve the goal that one is seeking. While apple cider vinegar may not remove sunspots and dark spots overnight, a consistent application over time would be beneficial as it lessens the spots eventually, making the complexion look more even.

4. Green Tea Extract

Yet, cleaning green tea is a soup of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) compound which inhibits the formation of age spots after exposure to sunshine. If you like drinking green tea, just put a green tea bag in hot water, boil it as it is, and let it steep for 3-5 minutes before you add ice to it. The practice of waqf or asal tea can be done by you after the tea has been allowed to cool down or using a cotton ball for the application of a cold tea of your choice that has been brewed. Water the in for 10-15 minutes and let the water drain afterward. Consequently, as the practice gets such importance, the skin will begin to be more radiant there being anti-inflammatory agents responsible for this.

5. Turmeric


Regrettably, turmeric is one of the superior anti-inflammatory and antioxidants because of curcumin which can bring down micro hyperpigmentation. To prepare the turmeric mask, add one teaspoon of turmeric powder to either one tablespoon of honey or curd to make it smooth. By dripping into the mixture, moisten the sunspot and leave it for about 20 minutes in the area, then wash it off with warm water. Limit it to one or two times during 2-3 days.


6. Honey

The high water-absorbing property of honey and the fact that it is a natural beast fighter aids in skin regeneration and the effects of sunspots on the skin. Honey can be used by directly applying it to the inflamed parts and allowing it to remain for approximately 20-30 minutes before being washed away with diluted water. You can prepare a honey and lemon mixture as your alternative option for this task. Repeat this treatment two to three times a week. Regular application of cream provides an increased supply of moisture and flexibility, as well as reduced cutaneous dark spots and creases in the skin.

7. Papaya

The exfoliation program of papaya is due to papain (enzyme) in it, which lightens sunspots by promoting cell regeneration. To use, mash a ripe pulp of papaya and apply it directly to the spots where the sun shines. 20-minute pre-shower, and rinse off with warm water. The patient undergoes this treatment twice or three times per week. The papaya itself has an exfoliating role which removes unnatural dead skin cells and over time, it also spots darkening thus a more leveled skin tone becomes visible.

8. Yogurt

Lactic acid, a compound existing in yogurts, is a powerful exfoliator to removes the area of dead cells and can get rid of sunspots accidentally. To use, put some fresh yogurt on the sunspots and leave it for about 20 minutes to take effect then wash it off with warm water. Similarly, the one extra benefit is you can combine it with turmeric or honey yogurt. Apply it 2 to 3 times a week. Correctly using the product on an ongoing basis will eventually remove the sun spots and even the skin tone/complexion.

9. Vitamin E

Vitamin E works as a safe antioxidant which not only prevents skin damage but also lightens the sunspots. Do the following step by punching the vitamin E capsule and then using the oil to eradicate the dark spots. Scrub the bone gently for several minutes and do not change the location. Perform these workout sessions every day for one week. With time, vitamin E tends to improve the dark age spots and skin conditions that are damaged to some extent.

10. Cucumber

Cucumbers are ideal for skin brightening due to the cooling and cleansing function that they serve. Illustrate it using ripened cucumber, peel, and grate, then rub the pulp onto your sunspots. Another means is to put the cucumber juice instead of the mixed one. After that, apply it with cotton. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse off with water. Use it regularly to maximize the results. Cucumbers (particularly used for application of the skin or healing sunburns) contain elements that reduce irritation of the skin after using them regularly.

11. Red Onion

Sunspots are promoted by free radicals produced during sun exposure. Thanks to high vitamin C and antioxidant content, red onion prevents sunspots from worsening. To function, cut the onion into rings and put them on the sunburn. On the other hand, squeeze the juice and apply it with a cotton ball. Rub it in for 5-10 minutes and wash it with warm water afterward. Take the medicines once a day. When you apply the red color containing onion juice regularly, it proves effective in treating spots and pigmentation to attain the even and bright tone of your skin.

12. Tomato

Tomatoes have abundant lycopene in them and they market the sunspots and help you to prevent ultraviolet radiation. Apply a paste to the areas affected by the sunspots, and do not forget to extend the influence of the tomato further by using slices of it as well. The day after the shower for 20 minutes please take a break and rinse it with warm water. follow this drug regimen 2/3 times per week. According to this approach, regular use of the tomato paste, will reduce sun spots and eventually fade them away leaving an even tanned skin tone.

13. Buttermilk

Likewise, lactic acid in buttermilk is an exfoliator and a lightening remedy for the skin. To accomplish this, just dab the buttermilk on sunspots with a cotton ball, and let it tighten for 15-20 min. So, rinse it off with water. That’s the best part because you can just the buttermilk by adding either one teaspoon of honey or lemon to it. Use it at least twice or thrice a week. Buttermilk not only bleaches but also acts as an exfoliator and measures the skin texture slowly.

14. Sandalwood

The main functions of sandalwood are anti-inflammatory and can also help lighten the skin and fade those sunspots. To use this, mix sandalwood powder and a few drops of rose water approximately 1/2 tablespoon of the mixture to a paste. Use the spot eradicator paste on the face and do this for about 20 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water. Tone this treatment two to three times each week. The proprietor of sandalwood skin application will become noticeably brighter and more even with continued use.

15. Potato

Potatoes have amongst their properties brightening leaching agents which lighten sunspots. First, they should take a slice of potato and rub the slice directly on the area, or they should simply extract the juice and apply it with a cotton ball. Carry this operation out for 15-20 minutes and use water to rinse off. Try this special treatment regularly for the most effective result. The potato juice works to both remove the brown and grey spots/patches and clear the dullness out of the skin.

16. Oatmeal

Oatmeal has exfoliating attributes that behave as a scrubbing for removing the dead skin cells and extenuating the sunspots. Firstly, to makeup, oatmeal + a little bit of honey and other liquid ingredients to form a paste. Put the paste on those sunspots, and leave it for approximately twenty minutes after which you can wash it off using clean warm water. Apply these nail treatments two to three times during the week. Oatmeal is a very good remedy to exfoliate the skin and easily get rid of dark spots if you use it daily.

17. Almond Oil

Thanks to almond oil, skin becomes rich in vitamins E and K as these vitamins lighten sunspots and balance tone. To use it, just a few drops of almond oil should be dropped onto the sunspots and massaged gently for a couple of minutes. Switch it on at night, and get out of it the next morning. Repeat this process daily. Almond oil is known for its function of equalizing irregularities in terms of pigmentation and gradually improving skin health.

18. Licorice Extract

Licorice extract is glabridin, a compound that imposes restraint on melanin production and helps in the disappearance of sunspots. The use of this remedy is quite simple as you only need to mix a few drops of extract of licorice with a carrier oil, for example, jojoba oil, and then apply this blend to the spots in the sun. Switch it to your face for about 20-30 minutes and after the time ends, rinse with cool water. Apply these remedies once per day. Licorice extract not only leads to a reduction in pigmentation but also helps to regain natural skin texture while is regularly used.

19. Castor Oil

One of the notable qualities that make sun spots fade is the anti-inflammatory and skin-lightening feature of castor oils. When in need, place a few drops of castor oil on the areas where dead skin cells are accumulated, and massage it in for a few minutes. Make sure air allows a free circulation during the night and wash it early in the morning. Repeat this process daily. It gently removes the discoloration of the skin, like age spots, and works on the overall skin health gradually and positively, affecting the color of the skin eventually.

20. Coconut Oil

Taken from coconut oil, antioxidants, and skin-healing properties are the ingredients that are good for turning sunspots into light ones. Put on a couple of drops of cosmetic oil of coconut on sunspots and massage that gently for several minutes. Turn on the heat and leave it on until you wake up and finish the process with a fresh start in the morning. Repeat this process daily. Thanks to coconut oil which helps to lighten up pigmentation, improve the skin texture, and increase the moisture of the epidermis, its regular use results in the manifestation of these effects.

These 20 ways to get rid sunspots on skin naturally. Pick a scenario that suits you best to get the desired result and use sunscreen in your daily dressing while going out in the sun.


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